30% of New York's students in grades 1 through 8 miss 10% or more school days.
Chronic absence begins as early as prekindergarten.
It reduces students' ability to learn and succeed.
Visit NYS Education Department to learn more.
The fundamental facts about chronic absence -- what it is, how it's measured, why it differs from other attendance measures -- are addressed in this section.
Across the country & within New York state, models for reducing chronic absence include those predominantly led by schools or community coalitions. Each model brings with it a set of benefits & challenges described in this section.
Four fundamental actions are needed to reduce chronic absence. These actions are necessary whether efforts are under the direction of schools or community coalitions.
Use these resources to promote awareness & provide families with strategies that support their children & improve their attendance.
Every Student Present public awareness campaign is designed to help families & communities understand the importance of attendance & its impact on students' learning, as early as preschool.
There are many reasons children miss multiple days of school. This website focuses on the four main reasons and provides families with tips and strategies for supporting their children.